Rapidly growing facial edema, palpable dense painful veins, rapidly deteriorating general condition of the patient, the temperature the body reaches a high level (40-41 ° C) can be expressed rigidity neck, visual impairment (optic chiasm lesion). Severe clinical course often observed in boils upper lip, nasolabial folds, nose, suborbital (okologlaznoy) area. To revitalize the newborn airways free of mucus and amniotic fluid, put child in a warm dappled not separating it dappled her mother, injected into an artery cord of 3 ml 10% calcium chloride solution, 10-20 mL of 5% solution of sodium bicarbonate dappled . In the here of certain evidence may be interrupted and after the deadline to address the medical commission. Cessation of breathing in fetal cardiac activity continued. Thrombophlebitis of the veins in boils person can spread the anastomosis to the venous sinuses of dura mater, which leads to their thrombosis, endangering suppurative basal meningitis. When threatened or incipient abortion had isthmic-tservikalpoy failure shows a dappled Intervention: suturing the cervix. May meet with the difficult, protracted labor, coupled with narrow hips, stiffness in the soft birth canal, facial presentation, and other complications in dappled act Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy well as in diseases of other organs and systems. The leading method - antibiotic therapy. In dappled and septic prescribe massive doses of dappled sulfanilamndy, desensitizing agents, vitamins. With satisfactory postoperative condition - normal temperature, the absence of abdominal pain and signs of bleeding the patient can be discharged from the hospital. Complications of boils include lymphangitis, and regional lymphadenitis. Asphyxia. This state is considered reversible, and if successful, timely treatment of pregnant women continue to develop normally. In case of late abortion is not accompanied by significant bleeding, waiting for spontaneous Birth gestational sac, uterine curettage was shown in case of delay oral parts of the placenta. The most common method of treatment of fetal asphyxia is a triad of Nikolaev. Patients complain of cramping abdominal pain and bloody discharge (sometimes substantial). Gastrointestinal Tract Uncomplicated febrile miscarriage: an infection localized in the uterus, the patient weakness, tachycardia, increased body temperature and white blood cell count. Continuation of the pregnancy is still possible, but the prognosis is worse than in threatened abortion. When threatened and incipient abortion shown Intravenous Pyelogram rest in hospital. Abortion is complete - there is often in early pregnancy. Abortion in progress - detached ovum from the walls of the uterus and expulsion from the its cavity through the cervical canal. Characterized by deterioration of general condition, abdominal pain, a further increase in temperature, chills, a significant increase in leukocyte crop and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Features here venous and lymphatic network in the face contributes to the rapid spread of germs. Usually, this operation produced after decrease dappled infection. Treatment. The magnitude of the uterus corresponds to the period of pregnancy, the outer mouth closed or slightly parted. Parallel use drugs that improve the uteroplacental circulation and blood oxygenation of the fetus. Anoxia can begin during pregnancy in toxicosis, prolongation, chronic infection and last few days, weeks and even months. Termination of pregnancy during the first 28 weeks. Treatment. Medical methods include sedation (drugs bromine), sleeping pills before going to sleep, vitamins (E Whigs, ascorbic acid), hormones (progesterone, combined estrogenogestagennye drugs). Pain are mild, but the location, for example, in the outer ear canal, the nose is substantial. The most frequently observed at Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Skin exposed to pollution (forearm, rear hand) and friction (back of the neck, back, Abdomen or Abdominal thighs). Uterus free from residues of gestational sac is reduced, the canal of dappled cervix is closed and the bleeding stops. The deterioration of the fetus manifested his intense and frequent movements or vice versa - a passive behavior, the instability of cardiac activity: acceleration heart rate (160 or more beats per minute), is replaced by slower (100 and less beats per minute), the emergence of Deaf tones and arrhythmia. Abortion started - strengthening the pain, the appearance of scant spotting from the vagina. In dappled area of the face (lip, forehead), as well as dappled the scrotum boils accompanied by significant edema in the surrounding tissue, which is explained friability subcutaneous fat here. Bleeding from the genital dappled is not, the outer jaws closed (in the isthmic-cervical insufficiency half-open), the magnitude of the uterus corresponds to the period of pregnancy. 2) Complicated febrile miscarriage: the infection spreads outside the uterus, but it is limited to the pelvic area. Symptoms and flow. Recognition. Dimensions uterus corresponds to the period of pregnancy or less it. Continuation of the pregnancy is impossible. Treatment of infected abortion. Boils usually do not cause significant violations of health. Spontaneous abortion. When abortion in progress and incomplete surgical removal was shown ovum or its parts.
Infiltration and PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)
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